Current date/time is Mon May 06, 2024 9:22 pm

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The official rules for World Song Contest (WSC): All players that wish to select their entry via a national selection must join our sister group "World Song Contest: National Finals". If a player is caught advertising national finals on the main group will be given a warning and if the player carries on then it could lead to a possible ban All countries must be recognized on the ScoreWiz software. Meaning certain territories will no longer be allowed to compete. These include and are not limited too: -British Indian Ocean Territory -British Virgin Islands -Guam -US Virgin Islands However Faroe Islands will be allowed as it is recognized by ScoreWiz
All players are required to submit a recap time for their songs. Recaps last for 20 seconds Please add the recap time to your post or contact Stefan Schneider No instrumental songs are allowed on the contest. Every song must contain vocals
No songs that have appeared on the Eurovision Song Contest can be used The rules can be changed by myself without prior notice No bullying, homophobic or racist behaviour will be tolerated. Punishments will be handed out at the discretion of the admin All countries or applicants must vote in typical Eurovision style. Rewarding your top 10 songs from 1 point for your least liked and 12 points for the most liked. Please do not vote 9 or 11 points because these will be ignored The voting for the semi finals and grand final will open as soon as the recaps have been uploaded onto the group page Full links for all participating countries and their songs will be provided for the two semi finals and grand final Semi final results are calculated by ScoreWiz and I will inform applicants how many countries will qualify to grand final Grand final results are calculated by Scorewiz. Not technically a rule but remember this is not a serious contest this is just for fun Please do not take out any personal issues on myself or anyone else that is hosting as it causes tension within the group and I will not hesitate in removing any members that are found to be causing unnecessary drama Any suspicions of tactical voting will be investigated after the results and an appropriate punishment will be handed out if any members are found to be tactically voting Players cannot use the same artists for 3 consecutive editions. e.g. If you had Germany and used Cascada for edition 8 you could use them up to edition 11 but would have to choose another artist from edition 12 Since I have had people asking you cannot vote for either one of your countries. So for example if you had Sweden and United Kingdom and you were voting as Sweden you could not give any points to United Kingdom and the same rule applies if you are voting as United Kingdom hypothetically Please communicate in English only